The Human Body and the Life Energy Field

The different subtle energy bodies taken together form the life energy field (also known as the aura) that functions through the physical body.

Each layer of the aura originates at each of the corresponding chakras (energy spinning wheels or vortexes). When the chakra spins it generates a colour which is specific to that chakra.

Generally the total aura extends around the physical body from a few centimeters to a few inches. Spiritually developed persons have much larger auras. The larger the aura, the healthier the person, his life full of positive abundant energies.

Reiki channels have very large auras.

While the normal size of the seven major chakras may vary from between 3 and 5 inches in diameter, the root chakra of some highly advanced Reiki Masters would generally be as large as 15 to 16 inches. The largeness of the root chakra indicates not only material opulence but spiritual opulence as well, while the crown chakra represents pure spiritual consciousness, enlightenment.

The Seven Major Chakras

These chakras are the main energy accumulators and pumps of the energy body (pranayama kosh) which govern all bodily functions through a system of minor and mini chakras. Chakras spin alternately clockwise and anti-clockwise tsking in postive energy and discharging waste energy. This energy (prana and Reiki) is distributed further through a system of nadis throughout the body. The major chakras correspond roughly to the endocrine (glandular) system of the physical body (annamaya kosh).

Root or Basic Chakra: Red

Controls and energizes: muscular and skeletal systems, the kidneys, bladder and spine, production and quality of blood, the adrenal glands, body tissues, internal organs, growth rate of cells, growth rate of children, general vitality, body heat. Also affects the heart and sex organs

Survival issues, abundance issues. Seat of kundalini energy, creative expression. The root of existence, health/disease, karma, past memory.

Hara (Sacral Plexus): Orange

Controls and energizes: Gonads (ovaries / testicles), kidneys, adrenal glands, blood pressure and back problems. The receiving/conceiving and protection of all life, and "purpose of life", and all subtle vital energies; transmutes lower energies.

Power centre: Raises kundalini; transmits vital prana throughout body via spleen chakra, back hara chakra. We can "live with ourselves" in Hara.

The Solar Plexus Chakra: Yellow

Controls and energizes: Diaphragm, liver, pancreas, stomach; large and small intestines to a great degree, and to some degree: the adrenal glands, heart, lungs and other parts of the body.

Power and Wisdom: Centre for positive and negative lower emotions such as ambition, courage, aggressiveness, anger, hatred, envy, greed, violence, cruelty etc.

We draw feelings from the solar plexus and feel at the heart.

Heart Chakra: Bright Light Green

Controls and energizes: The heart, lungs, liver and circulatory system, the thymus gland, and the immune system. Seat of the soul / spiritual essence / being.

Heart Chakra: Love and compassion. The centre of higher and refined emotions; directly affected by solar plexus chakra imbalance.

End receiving point of Divine Reiki energy and distributor of this to arms and hands.

Throat Chakra: Light Blue

Controls and energizes: The throat, voice box (larynx), air tube (trachea), thyroid and parathyroid glands, lymphatic system. Communication and self-expression.

Also affects the sex chakra. The centre for the lower or concrete mind, lower mental faculty and also the centre for higher creativity.

Ajna (Third Eye Chakra): Dark Blue

Controls and energizes: the pituitary and hypothalamus glands; autonomic nervous system. Master control chakra for all major chakras and the endocrine system, nervous system (via forehead chakra) and whole body. Facilitates intuition.

Crown Chakra: Dark Violet

Controls and energizes: The pineal gland, the upper btrain and right eye. Center for higher cosmic, universal spiritual consciousness. The entry point for divine energy, Reiki via the antahkaran, the pillar of light which connects us to our spiritual source. Gives direct perception of who we are, self-realization - connecting us with our spiritual self.