Body Parts related to diseases and emotional blocks

Parts of the body and the emotions/attitudes accumulated therein cause disorders as listed below. While giving Reiki healing allow your 'feedback' to guide you. Often the disorder requires other chakras to be healed deeply.

Body part Disease + emotions
1. Nose: Related to heart. Sense of smell, sexual response, self-recognition. Sinusitis, deviated septum: unsure as to what option should be taken professionally, career-wise or occupationally; OR unsure of personal identity.
2. Mouth: Survival issues. Capacity to take in new ideas/concepts. Cavities in teeth: new ideas/conceptsare hard to take in, become survival issues openly if old concepts and belief systems are threatened.

Calculi in salivary glands: New ifdeas, concepts hard to digest, but individual does not openly challenge them.
3. Forehead (third eye, occipital lobes, temples): Mental, intellectual expression, nervous system; will power, wisdom, intuition, mystic powers. All nerve and nervous disorders, (also solar plexus for immediate relief of an acute condition of fear, anger, upset etc), sinusitis (third eye chakra).
Chronic Vertigo: Lack of discrimination / balance (third eye, temples). (Compare also under: 'Ears', 'Ankle'-color blindness)
Migraine (headache): from emotional indigestion-heal the liver.
4. Neck: The mental and emotional come together. Withheld feelings give stiffness here. Cervical Spondylosis: Inability to express what one feels due to conflict between the intellect and heart. (Cervical 5, 6, 7 vertebrae, corresponding to throat chakra).
5. Face: Expression of our personality and how we face the world. Trigeminal Neuralgia: Inability to face the world due to damage of our self-image, self-worth. (Also Reiki Heart-and-Hara to draw up and heal the emotion and thinking: right hand on heart, left hand on hara.)
6. Eyes: How we view the world-instant 'like and dislike'; window of soul Color Blindness: Lack of discrimination / balance (Reiki the ankles, particularly effective for colour blind people).
Cataracts: Does not like what he sees in the world.
Degenerative retinopathy, retinal hemorrhage: Does not like what is seen in his personal life; or does not like his view of himself.
Glaucoma: Inability to weep, unshed tears.
7. Eyebrows: Emotional expression, third eye intuitive centre.  
8. Ears: Capacity to hear and accept the heard. Deafness: Dislikes what is heard. Vertigo: Ears and third eye are secondary areas after ankles - primary area if vertigo is caused by mental/emotional trauma due to hearing unpleasant things. Insomnia: Coming from over-active thinking, mental activity (which is subtle speech).
9. Jaws: Emotional and verbal communication. Fear of expressing ourselves. Survival issues.  
10. Arms and Hands: Extensions of the heart centre. Express love, emotion; giving and receiving, creativity. Left Hand: Receiving/taking hand (negative energy taker / transmuter); Right Hand: giving hand (positive energy taker / giver / generator).

Paralysis of Arms/hands: Extreme hopelessness and helplessness. (Heal back heart chakra, thymus front and back, root. Also review other areas.)
11. Chest: Relationship issues. Power centre for women Female tumors of the breast: Blockage or trauma to women's purpose of life, blockage of the outflow of loving energy.
12. Heart: Love, Seat of the soul, spiritual being Angina ischaemia: functional shortage/lack of loving energy at back heart chakra.
Coronary Artery Disease: Blockage in the flow of love - inability to receive/accept love (Back heart chakra is affected)
Heart Attack: Inability to receive/accept love has reached a severely settled traumatic stage. In such a condition, giving Reiki at the back heart chakra with the right hand and at the front solar plexus chakra with the left, can be a life saving procedure and facilitates extremely good recovery.
13. Solar Plexus: Power and control issues, practical wisdom. Immediately experienced emotions of: fear, hatred, anger, jealousy, envy, etc. Also courage and perseverance. (If unbalanced, foolhardy and stubborn) Digestive Disorders: The solar plexus is always involved for all digestive disorders: mental-emotional-physical, and all acute problems including fever, infections (which need Reiki at liver, root chakra and affected area)
14. Abdomen/Hara: Seat of deepest emotions, hurt feelings, thinking. Power centre for men

Hernia, Uterine-ovarian disorders; Prostate disorder; self-blame, guilt ('can't live with myself'). Trauma to the individual's 'purpose of life'. Unfulfilled / traumatized purposes and desires. Very important area for healing.
15. Liver: Digestion and transmutation of lower emotions to higher. Emotional indigestion at all levels. Pimples/acne: Dislike/disgust at one's body, bodily parts, processes or changes taking place in body, as in puberty - (Reiki liver + Hara)

Rashes, allergies, urticaria:Inability to digest emotions - all arising from the liver and solar plexus.
16. Spleen and Pancreas: Anger, helplessness. Gallstones/Pancreatitis: Undigested emotion/deep hurt, unforgiven, solidifies as gall stones; + anger = pancreatitis.

Spleen is seen to be a part of the digestive system along with the liver, gall-bladder, solar plexus chakra, pancreas.
Blood disorders
17. Genitals: Survival and root chakra issues. Fear of life, existence. Impotence/Sterility: Purpose of life is deeply traumatized. (Also heal hara, kidneys).
18. Thighs: Personal strength and trust in one's own abilities. Self-confidence. Depression: due to, or causing lack of ability to work because of lack of self-confidence (also heal solar plexus, back heart, hara).
19. Knees: Fear of death. Fear of death of one's ego or own self/consciousness, fear of change/moving ahead. Personal responsibility issues. Arthritic/rheumatic knees: fears, anxieties. Reiki the knees in such cases. Do not express sympathy or sorrow as these emotions sharpen and increase the individual's perception of his pain! Instead request Reiki to open the person's back heart chakra.
20. Calf: Fear of death, fear of change/moving ahead. Self-control issues. Addictions / attachments. Cramps, rigidity, stiffness of calves: Does not like or adjust to natural changes taking place in life (and body) - as in pregnancy: Resistance to moving forward to new condition/states in life. Attachment to the old. Also self-control issues as in habits, addictions, temper, etc, and over-control.
21. Lower Leg: Fear of action. Capacity for moving towards goals. Paralysis of legs: extreme hopelessness and helplessness! Heart, hara and root chakras would also need healing.
22. Ankles: Balance, discrimination in life activities. Ankle injury: Lack of discrimination / balance in activities (colour blindness).
23. Feet: Connecting with and reaching one's goals. Fear of completion of activities. Procrastination, laziness. Foot Injury: Inability or resistance in moving forward towards goals, while life events overwhelmingly indicate movement is essential.
24. Shoulders: Responsibility area. Cervical ribs, shoulder pains: Carrying assumed burdens and responsibilities not rightfully one's own.
25. Upper Back (Thymus): Storehouse of unconscious emotions and tensions. Anger. Upper back disorders: Results of: stored anger, frustration and helplessness.
26. Lower Back (back hara): Storehouse of unresolved emotions. Relationship issues. Lumbar 4, 5, 6 vertebrae, and kidneys Slipped (herniated) spinal disk; lumbar spondylosis: 'purpose of life' traumatized; refusal to acknowledge unresolved emotions and related issues.

When the hara region (front and back) is healed, 'we can live with ourselves in harmony and peace' - with those parts of ourselves which we do not like such as the alcoholic, the one whois a failure, the one who flirts too much or talks too much after a drink or two, the one who 'tolerates too much/is too giving', etc.

All these fragments of our selves reside at the hara region weakening our abilities to achieve and create. Past emotional hurts thought over, meditated upon and consequent pain - all accumulate here, damaging our purpose of life.

The hara is a key healing area, and also the place of the false ego- the illusory identification that 'I am the controller and doer'.

Kidney disorders: Relationship problems and issues not dealt with /painful to deal with openly.

Very major area for healing our lives as our peaceful and successful progress in life depends on relationships being harmonious at all levels, starting with the relationship within ourselves, with our fragmented parts which stay in the hara region and our own higher self from which we are disconnected (before Reiki).

27. Base of Spine / Root Chakra: Essential bodily survival issues. Seat of kundalini energy.

Destiny and Seed Karma
Growth disorders and basic health disorders come from root chakra.
(Skeletal system, circulatory system, bodily form and development).
Deep-rooted diseases, karmic reactions
Suicidal tendencies: come from a small or weak root chakra
Drug addictions: result in closing down of back heart chakra amd root chakra. Thus drug addicts find 'nothing is happening' in their lives as destiny remains profoundly unfulfilled and inactive.

NOTE: Where there is no apparent cause for disease in terms of attitudinal or emotional position, or where it is very mildly present - the disease or disorder must be understood as being deeply karmic in nature, requiring persistent healing.

This article is based on materials found in the book "The Living Handbook of Reiki" by Nalin Nirula and Renoo Nirula