Emotional Energy Principles

1. Energy follows desires and thought

In 1905 Einstein showed with his 'special theory of relativity' that mass itself is a form of energy, that mass and energy are in fact interchangeable. By this special theory of relativity it has been possible to prove scientifically that in the known physical universe all is energy. Thought is nothing but mental energy manifested in a particular way. Thought energy is more subtle than physical energy. Therefore it follows that thoughts influence physical energy. In our lives as well, energy follows desires and thoughts which motivate us to do certain things and achieve certain goals. Whatever is focussed on, grows.

2. Like attracts like

It is common experience that a type of emotion or thought generates its similar thought and feeling. Laughter or happiness is infectious, as is depression or a sad emotional state. Also, our thoughts attract our results. What we think about and believe we tend to do. Our actions then produce the results we have in life.

If You Don’t Need It, You Are More Likely to Attract It.” Neediness in any form is inherently repellent. This follows from the Law of Attraction, like attracts like, because a lack of something attracts more of a lack of something, just like negative thoughts attract more negative thoughts in a vicious cycle that is hard to break. This is why debt attracts more debt, savings attracts more money, and it is always easier to get a new job when you are currently employed—you don’t need the job.

3. Life events are fashioned by our desires in conjunction with our karmic bank balance

Empowered by Reiki, one can radically change this, spiritually evolving, healing ourselves: becoming whole and complete and thus changing the circumstances, the results of past karma and the past karmas themselves. Just as the body is the result of our inner condition, life is a mirror of our inner condition in action. Healing ourselves internally heals our life externally. With Reiki we can create a positive present and future - this is what it means to be a "Master of one's destiny".

4. Blaming others or depending on others emotionally means no change in our position

Blaming others does not shift us from our position, whether these others are outsiders or our own fragmented parts. As Reiki channels we may no longer hold responsible our horoscope, the planets, God or anyone else for our emotional indigestion and life situation. Transfering responsibility elsewhere means the situation cannot change since I am unwilling to change it, as I hold someone or something else responsible who will come and change it. This doesn't happen. On the other hand, depending on Reiki gives us all the practical results we are looking for, provided "Just for today, I shall do my work honestly."