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Resources and articles on spiritual development and a selection of biographies. Also have a look at our Reiki healers directory worldwide.

Featured Teachers

Featured Quotes

"Better than worshiping gods is obedience to the laws of righteousness." -Buddha

"No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path." -Buddha

"It is truth that liberates, not your effort to be free." -Krishnamurti

The constant assertion of belief is an indication of fear." - Krishnamurti

Hasten slowly and ye shall soon arrive." - Milarepa

"The price of anything is the amount of life you exchange for it." - Henry David Thoreau

Featured Biographies

Jetsun Milarepa - was a Tibetan siddha, who famously was a murderer as a young man before turning to Buddhism and becoming a highly accomplished Buddhist disciple. He is generally considered one of Tibet's most famous yogis and spiritual poets, whose teachings are known among several schools of Tibetan Buddhism. He was a student of Marpa Lotsawa, and a major figure in the history of the Kagyu school of Tibetan Buddhism.
[Biographical Notes]

Books about Milarepa

Songs of Milarepa

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"If ye realize the Emptiness of All Things, Compassion will raise within your heart;
If ye lose all differentiation between yourselves and others, fit to serve others ye will be;
And when in serving others ye shall win success, then shall ye meet with me;
And finding me, ye shall attain to Buddhahood."
― Milarepa, Songs of Milarepa

Pandit Gopi Krishna - was a yogi, mystic, teacher, social reformer, poet, and writer. He was born in a small village near Srinagar, in the Jammu and Kashmir State in northern India. He spent his early years there, and later lived in Lahore, in the Punjab of British India. In his youth, Gopi Krishna was an office worker and spiritual seeker.
[Biographical Notes]

Books by Gopi Krishna

"The emphasis laid in some of the books on yoga, both of the east and the west, on the development of psychic powers merely for the sake of gaining success in worldly enterprises, invariably make me wonder at the incongruity in human nature, which, even in the case of a system designed to develop the spiritual side of man, focusses the attention more on the acquisition of visible, wonder-exciting properties of the body or mind, than on the invisible but tranquil possessions of the soul."

Sri Ramana Maharshi - was probably the most renowned sage of the twentieth century from India. He was renowned for his saintly life, for being fully realized, and for the powerful energy transmissions that often occurred to visitors in his presence.
[Biographical Notes]

Books about Ramana Maharshi and his Teachings

"Love itself is the actual form of God. One who knows the secret of that love finds the world itself full of universal love. Only if one knows the truth of love, which is the real nature of Self, will the strong entangled knot of life be untied. Only if one attains the height of love will liberation be attained. Such is the heart of all religions."

Articles on Reiki

Featured Healers: International Reiki Healers Directory

Selected Poems of Mystics

CONSUMMATUM EST by Dick Richardson

The Fulfilment of Incarnate Being

How many coats of consciousness
must yield before the dawn
where man can live incarnate
without such pain to mourn.

What scalpel could be honed so sharp
to heal the wounds therein;
or does the knowledge of one's self
eradicate the sin.
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The Road to Wisdom by Dick Richardson

List to me old Omar,
of whence you come and go;
that of which you had no ken,
but dearly longed to know.
I'll turn a few old pages,
the lesson for to see
beyond sans wine, and dust to dust;
beyond the temporal tree.
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The Cosmos of Creation by Dick Richardson

The Cosmos of Creation
is all that's ever done;
the past, existing present,
and all things yet to come.
The universe however,
of which we see today,
is but a passing moment
in one mansion of that way.

Of Protons and Electrons
creation is not made,
for on the ground of Consciousness,
creation is thus laid.
The Mind is not a cog of form
which churns amid a ground
of ricocheting atoms
and energy thus bound.
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The Wonder That Is Consciousness by Gopi Krishna

What I aver may seem to you, perhaps,
Blasphemous, unbelievable or odd,
For we are guilty of a common lapse,
When we forget that Consciousness is God;
When we ignore that what we see without
And our self inside, with no room for doubt,
Are diverse facets or, say, different shades
Of One Eternal Substance which pervades
The whole creation, everywhere the same
Beneath the varied dress of form and name.

All that we know: our learning, science, art
And all our universe of earths and suns
Are of a wondrous magic play a part,
Which change in consciousness makes clear at once,
When dumb with awe and wonder the ego sees
The world turned topsy turvy and the soul,
In one incredible moment of release,
From but a point become the Cosmic Whole.

From immemorial times we have deceived
Ourselves into the false belief that all
Impressions of the objective world received,
Which on the observing mind through senses fall,
Come from external objects and that we
Are transient shadows, born to live and die,
To come into being and then cease to be,
To act a while and then unmoving lie,
And that the Cosmic Ocean will not stop
Its movement for the loss of our one drop.

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The Limitations of Intellect by Gopi Krishna

The priceless teaching of enlightened seers,
More so of ancient India, oft appears
Fantastic to skeptic intellects:
Some e’en ascribe it to the ill-effects
Of self-denial, carried to the extreme,
Excessive penance, lack of sleep and dream,
To solitude, diminished drink and food,
All working to cause a delusive mood.

Hence their alleged experience not a few
Ascribe to neuroses, of which they knew
Nothing, to fantasy, hypnotic trance,
To drugs, suggestion, mania, e’en to chance.
And thus rejected as false visionaries
Their influence on the crowd could not but cease.

But few of us imagine e’en in dream
That some among these seers have been the cream
Of earth, the guiding stars and beacon lights,
The first to soar to transcendental heights,
And gathering rare, intuitive knowledge there
Instructed mankind how to step with care
Upon the winding pathway, full of snares,
And pitfalls which can catch one unawares
To break a bone or but to feel a smart,
To take the lesson taught more to the heart.

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What is Cosmic Consciousness by Gopi Krishna

What marvel is this, what unique estate?
How did I merit this rare boon from fate?
Attired in vestments of empyrean light
My own ethereal person greets my sight,
From every object in the void of space
As if I hold creation in embrace.

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The Healing Arts

Reiki Healing

Reiki is a natural, spiritual healing modality (not limited by material considerations) and which is totally independent of religion, belief and faith systems. Reiki is administered by "laying on of hands" and is based on the idea that "life force energy" flows through us and it's blockage in the energy body is what makes us ill. If one's "life force energy" is low, then we are more likely to get all kinds of diseases, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy.

The word Reiki is made of two Japanese words - Rei which means "Universal" and Ki (or chi) which is "life force energy". So Reiki is actually "spiritually guided life force energy."

A Reiki treatment connects us to the loving, non-judgmental energy of the universe and feels like a wonderful radiance flowing through and around us. Reiki treats the whole person including body, emotions, and mind giving rise to feelings of inner peace, security and wellbeing. Reiki heals the root cause of the disease, which may be emotional or mental/behavioral and not just the physical symptoms. Reiki healing empowerment is only receivable through attunement by a Master of Reiki.

The main purpose of Reiki, however, is to connect ourselves to the Higher Self, and to facilitate spiritual growth and enlightenment.

Read more about this amazing healing technique.

Alpha Programming of the Subconscious and Affirmations (The Silva Method)

The Silva Method is a set of techniques that aim to reach and sustain a state of mental functioning, called alpha state, where brainwave frequency is seven to fourteen Hz. Daydreaming and the transition to sleeping are alpha states.

Silva claimed to have developed a program that trained people to enter certain brain states of enhanced awareness. He also claimed to have developed several systematic mental processes to use while in these states allowing a person to mentally project with a specific intent. According to Silva, once the alpha state of mind is reached, can connect with higher intelligence for guidance and bodily and mental healing.

Read more about this method of mind control.

Violet Flame Healing

Violet Flame is much intense cleansing method that can help you release and transmute the ties of past life karmas, experiences or situations you may be carrying as a load in this life too and that are holding you back from living a much happier, lighter and joyful life than you currently are living.

The roots of many diseases, negative thoughts and feelings lie deeper in our emotional and mental body states; here violet flame with the power of its transmutation and transformation provides us an easy platform to heal all these issues and problems. It’s a universal gift of god, which once you learn to use, will find it really beneficial in cleansing, transmutation as well as protection.