Teachings of Eva Pierrakos' Spirit Guide

Conditions in the Spiritual Worlds
How to Begin on the Spiritual Path
Three Levels of Spiritual Laws
Knowledge must never remain Theoretical
Life as one Link in a Long Chain
Longing for God
Self-awareness and Examination
Completing Life Tasks
Hardship is self created
Suffering and self pity
Selfish happiness
God's Love
The Path of Perfection and Purification
Fulfilling a Task with a weaker fellow human being
Disharmonious Feelings
Hell and Heaven are Within
Being and Doing: Self surrender
Happiness and Mundane Fulfillment
Causes of War
Focussing on the Other
Doubt, Faith and Outer Proof

Q&A with Eva Pierrakos' Spirit Guide

The souls in the lower spheres are supposed to suffer much pain. How is it then that Lucifer, who is the worst of all evil spirits, does not seem to suffer? Is this just?

Why is it that one feels abandoned by God, that one finds oneself without assistance from the higher spheres just when one goes through the most difficult times?

I would like to ask you, what is the difference between the Indian and the Western concepts about the continuity of life after death. Which one is right? Is it true that there is nothing after death, as the Indians say, that after repeated incarnations the soul finally returns to nothingness, that the individual personality does not survive? Or does personality and individual consciousness remain in existence in some form?

I would like to ask a question of scientific interest. A scientist friend told me that humankind has already once before reached a very high state of development, perhaps higher than what we have today. I mean this in the material and not the spiritual sense. He says that atomic energy was definitely known at that time, hundreds of thousands of years ago, when the world was destroyed in a catastrophe. Is this true?

I just read a book by Prentice Mulford which almost completely agrees with your teachings, but there is one thing which I do not completely understand. He says that one should not preoccupy oneself with the negative, especially not with one’s own faults; such preoccupation creates more negativity. It is enough to identify the negativity and leave it at that. You, however, taught us not only to confront our faults, but also to fight them. Yet in order to fight them we have to think about them every day. Here I find a contradiction between your teachings and the book.

A friend of ours who is a follower of Rudolf Steiner’s teachings said that there are not only two “kingdoms,” heaven and earth, good and evil, but three. According to this concept the earth is ruled by a being that is not Lucifer or the devil, but Ahriman, who is the ruler of matter and who is supposed to be more dangerous than Lucifer. Is this true?

I struggle with this problem again and again. If God has a Plan of Salvation for us, and if we have fallen away from God because we entered the wrong path, not the divine, why did God make His Plan of Salvation so complicated and so terribly difficult for us? I know that it is necessary for our development, but it still seems too hard.

Being and Doing: Self-surrender

Beyond a certain development, every single spiritual being reaches a stage of purification where it is capable of surrendering to the divine flow, dissolve itself, and melt into it. And it can also reconstitute these fluid threads so that it again becomes an entity of form and shape—although of such fine substance that beings who have not yet reached a high state of development cannot perceive it.

Everyone can experience a faint echo of this blissful feeling of melting into oneness when overtaken by a feeling of immense bliss. You can perhaps sense how much longing there is in you to dissolve the self, not only in the union of love, but also in all the great experiences of the soul when it is lifted high and close to God, in whatever way this may happen, through nature, music, meditation, or simply when the breath of God touches the human being. Then you really feel that your body limits you, and you wish to break the limits so that you can surrender to the stream and mingle with it. Perhaps you have never thought of it in these terms, but you probably will confirm that at times you have known such feelings.

The less purified the soul is—and I do not only refer to faults and weaknesses but also to anxieties and unhealthy currents—the more the person fears self-surrender, in spite of yearning for it. The more spiritualized the soul, the less it will stem against the surrender. Some human philosophies have actually grasped this. Through such insight, these philosophies have come to the conclusion that this state is the final destination of humanity. However, this is not true. Although there is a melting and dissolving, the individuality, the I-consciousness is not lost. Again and again, as I said before, those beings will contract the fluidal threads and from the state of pure being move into the state of doing. In the state of doing one has to become a complete and harmonious form. And since God is creator—that is, doer—this process takes place in Him, too. The active element of God that creates contracts over and over again into the purest and most perfect form. Thus the element of God that simply is and sustains, consequently also dissolves itself. These concepts are extremely difficult for you human beings to integrate into your understanding, but I hope my words can spark a flash of insight.

- Excerpt taken from Pathwork Guide Lecture #10 Male and Female Incarnations: Their Rhythms and Causes

Teachings of Eva Pierrakos' Spirit Guide

Conditions in the Spiritual Worlds
How to Begin on the Spiritual Path
Three Levels of Spiritual Laws
Knowledge must never remain Theoretical
Life as one Link in a Long Chain
Longing for God
Self-awareness and Examination
Completing Life Tasks
Hardship is self created
Suffering and self pity
Selfish happiness
God's Love
The Path of Perfection and Purification
Fulfilling a Task with a weaker fellow human being
Disharmonious Feelings
Hell and Heaven are Within
Being and Doing: Self surrender
Happiness and Mundane Fulfillment
Causes of War
Focussing on the Other
Doubt, Faith and Outer Proof

Q&A with Eva Pierrakos' Spirit Guide

The souls in the lower spheres are supposed to suffer much pain. How is it then that Lucifer, who is the worst of all evil spirits, does not seem to suffer? Is this just?

Why is it that one feels abandoned by God, that one finds oneself without assistance from the higher spheres just when one goes through the most difficult times?

I would like to ask you, what is the difference between the Indian and the Western concepts about the continuity of life after death. Which one is right? Is it true that there is nothing after death, as the Indians say, that after repeated incarnations the soul finally returns to nothingness, that the individual personality does not survive? Or does personality and individual consciousness remain in existence in some form?

I would like to ask a question of scientific interest. A scientist friend told me that humankind has already once before reached a very high state of development, perhaps higher than what we have today. I mean this in the material and not the spiritual sense. He says that atomic energy was definitely known at that time, hundreds of thousands of years ago, when the world was destroyed in a catastrophe. Is this true?

I just read a book by Prentice Mulford which almost completely agrees with your teachings, but there is one thing which I do not completely understand. He says that one should not preoccupy oneself with the negative, especially not with one’s own faults; such preoccupation creates more negativity. It is enough to identify the negativity and leave it at that. You, however, taught us not only to confront our faults, but also to fight them. Yet in order to fight them we have to think about them every day. Here I find a contradiction between your teachings and the book.

A friend of ours who is a follower of Rudolf Steiner’s teachings said that there are not only two “kingdoms,” heaven and earth, good and evil, but three. According to this concept the earth is ruled by a being that is not Lucifer or the devil, but Ahriman, who is the ruler of matter and who is supposed to be more dangerous than Lucifer. Is this true?

I struggle with this problem again and again. If God has a Plan of Salvation for us, and if we have fallen away from God because we entered the wrong path, not the divine, why did God make His Plan of Salvation so complicated and so terribly difficult for us? I know that it is necessary for our development, but it still seems too hard.