Disharmonious Feelings

You can be sure that when you feel disharmonious you have violated a divine law. No wrongdoing or error of another human being can give you disharmonious feelings if there is not something amiss in you as well. Your answer must be that you have in some way failed to fulfill God’s will.

For one person, feelings of disharmony might take the form of general religious doubts which ultimately are connected to personal problems, for another the causes might be more directly of a personal nature. But whenever there is a feeling of heaviness, of anger, of resistance, of fear, of any disharmony, you have a clue that something in you is not quite in order. For otherwise there could not be so much darkness in some of your life situations. If you strive for the answer wholeheartedly, even if it takes long to find out, you will get it sooner or later. When you pray for the answer in order to fulfill God’s will, it must come. Do not be afraid of it, for God’s will is always wise and loving and leads to happiness, even though the transition is a struggle. Then ask yourself: “Am I truly willing to do God’s will even if I do not like it at first?”

- Excerpt taken from Pathwork Guide Lecture #9 Prayer and Meditation— The Lord’s Prayer