Real self - where is it?
You may have often wondered, “Where is my real self? What is it?” And you think of this real self as though it were something remote that can only come to the fore after you search for it in faraway places — within yourself, of course. It is a mystery to you; you are slightly awed and somehow imagine that the real self is something utterly strange and new. Therefore, you fear it just a little bit. But nothing could be further from the truth. You know your real self. You have nothing to fear from it. It is not far away — in fact it is close by, right under your nose, so to speak, only most of the time you do not realize it. You make no use of it and prefer to express the other self which you have become used to, but which is not the real you. It consists of the compulsive drives and impulses which you unconsciously think you have to express in order to be happy, or just to survive. Whatever comes from this level does not express your real feelings. Your real feelings come from your real self, which is right underneath the tense, compulsive, emotional behavior pattern. Once you stop believing, as you unconsciously do now, that the compulsive drive is necessary, and use instead your real feelings, your intuitive nature will emerge.
- Quote taken from Pathwork Guide Lecture #77 Self-Confidence: Its True Origin and What Prohibits It
Teachings of Eva Pierrakos' Spirit Guide
- The Wrong Kind of 'Positive Thinking'
- Happiness and Pain
- Conflict between Conscious and Unconscious Desires
- Conditions in the Spiritual Worlds
- How to Begin on the Spiritual Path
- Three Levels of Spiritual Laws
- Knowledge must never remain Theoretical
- Life as one Link in a Long Chain
- Longing for God
- Self-awareness and Examination
- Completing Life Tasks
- Hardship is self created
- Willpower
- Suffering and self pity
- Selfish happiness
- God's Love
- The Path of Perfection and Purification
- Fulfilling a Task with a weaker fellow human being
- Disharmonious Feelings
- Hell and Heaven are Within
- Being and Doing: Self surrender
- Happiness and Mundane Fulfillment
- Causes of War
- Focussing on the Other
- Doubt, Faith and Outer Proof
- Two Forces within the Human Soul