Extracted from Be As You Are: The Teachings of Ramana Maharshi, pp. 138-139 Questioner: What is the difference between yoga and enquiry? Ramana Maharshi: Yoga enjoins chitta-vritti-nirodha (repression of thoughts) whereas I prescribe atmanveshana (quest of oneself). This latter method is more practicable. The mind is repressed in swoon, or as the effect of fasting. But as soon as the cause is withdrawn the mind revives, that is, the thoughts begin to flow as before. There are two ways of controlling the mind. Either seek it's source or surrender it to be struck down by the supreme power. Surrender is the recognition of the existence of a higher overruling power. If the mind refuses to help in seeking the source, let it wander; then turn it inwards. No one succeeds without patient perseverance. Questioner: Is it necessary to control one's breath? Ramana Maharshi: Breath control is only an aid for diving deep within oneself. One may as well dive down by controlling the mind. When the mind is controlled, the breath is controlled automatically. One need not attempt breath control, mind control is enough. Breath control is only recommended for those who cannot control their minds straightaway. Questioner: When should one do pranayama and why is it effective? Ramana Maharshi: In the absence of enquiry and devotion, the natural sedative pranayama [breath regulation] may be tried. This is known as yoga marga [the path of yoga]. The source of breath is the same as that of the mind. Therefore the subsidence of either leads effortlessly to the subsidence of the other. Questioner: Will concentration on chakras quieten the mind? Ramana Maharshi: Fixing their minds on psychic centres such as the sahasrara [the thousand-petalled lotus chakra], yogis remain any length of time without awareness of their bodies. As long as this state continues they appear to be immersed in some kind of joy. But when the mind which has become tranquil emerges and becomes active again it resumes its worldly thoughts. It is therefore necessary to train it with the help of practices like dhyana [meditation] whenever it becomes externalised. It will then attain a state in which there is neither subsidence nor emergence. Questioner: Is the mind control induced by pranayama also temporary? Ramana Maharshi: Quiescence lasts only so long as the breath is controlled. So it is transient. The goal is clearly not pranayama. It extends on to pratyahara [withdrawal], dharana [concentration of mind], dhyana [meditation] and samadhi. Those stages deal with control of the mind. Such mind control becomes easier for a person who has earlier practised pranayama. Pranayama therefore leads one to the higher stages. Because these higher stages involve controlling the mind, one can say that mind control is the ultimate aim of yoga. A more advanced man will naturally go direct to control of mind without wasting his time in practising control of breath. |