Spiritual Teachings

Linked below are some of the most profound spiritual teachings that I have ever come across. You will find Zen Buddhism teachings, teachings from independent gurus such as Krishnamurti, psychologically oriented teachings such as from Eva Pierrakos' spirit guide, and much more. I would advise you to bookmark this page, and come back to it when you have leisure.

Spiritual experiences as teachings

Zen Buddhism Teachings of Charlotte Joko Beck

Teachings of Peace Pilgrim

Selected verses from The Bodhicharyavatara by Shantideva

The Bodhicharyavatara was composed by the Indian scholar Shantideva, renowned in Tibet as one of the most reliable of teachers. Since it mainly focuses on the cultivation of bodhichitta, the work belongs to the Mahayana. At the same time Shantideva's philosophical stance follows the Prasangika Madhyamaka viewpoint of Chandrakirti. Here we present selected verses from the book, chapter-wise.

You can purchase the book from Shambhala Publications.

Teachings of Eva Pierrakos' Spirit Guide (Pathwork Guide)

For more than twenty years, Eva Pierrakos was the channel for a spirit entity known only as the Guide. Combining rare psychological insight with an inspiring vision of human possibility, the Guide's teachings, known as the Pathwork, have influenced many key New Age thinkers who have studied at Pathwork centers in the United States and abroad. These teachings are a source of knowledge about the mind and its workings, and an exploration into the self

Teachings of Annie Besant

Teachings of Anandamayi Ma