I am Happy
I bow down at the feet of Marpa, the Gracious One.
Because I have left my kinsmen, I am happy;
Because I have abandoned attachment to my
country, I am happy;
Since I disregard this place, I am happy;
As I do not wear the lofty garb of priesthood,
I am happy;
Because I cling not to house and family, I am happy;
I need not this or that, so I am happy.
Because I possess the great wealth of Dharma,
I am happy;
Because I worry not about property,
I am happy;
Because I have no fear of losing anything,
I am happy;
Since I never dread exhaustion, I am happy;
Having fully realized Mind-Essence,
I am happy;
As I need not force myself to please my patrons,
I am happy;
Having no fatigue nor weariness, I am happy;
As I need prepare for nothing, I am happy;
Since all I do complies with Dharma,
I am happy;
Never desiring to move, I am happy.
As the thought of death brings me no fear,
I am happy;
Bandits, thieves, and robbers ne'er molest me,
So at all times I am happy!
Having won the best conditions for Dharma
practice, I am happy;
Having ceased from evil deeds and left off
sinning, I am happy;
Treading the Path of Merits, I am happy;
Divorced from hate and injury, I am happy;
Having lost all pride and jealousy,
I am happy;
Understanding the wrongness of the Eight
Worldly Winds, I am happy;
Absorbed in quiet and evenmindedness, I am happy;
Using the mind to watch the mind, I am happy; .
Without hope or fear, I am ever happy.
In the sphere of non-clinging Illumination,
I am happy;
The Non-distinguishing Wisdom of Dharmadhatu
itself is happy;
Poised in the natural realm of Immanence,
I am happy;
In letting the Six Groups of Consciousness go by
To return to their original nature,
I am happy.
The five radiant gates of sense all make me happy;
To stop a mind that comes and goes is happy;
Oh, I have so much of happiness and joy!
This is a song of gaiety I sing,
This is a song of gratitude to my Guru and
the Three Precious Ones-
1 want no other happiness.
Through the grace of Buddhas and the Gurus,
Food and clothes are provided by my patrons
With no bad deeds and sins, I shall be
joyful when I die;
With all good deeds and virtues, I am happy
while alive.
Enjoying Yoga, I am indeed most happy.
But how are you Rechungpa? Is your wish