Violet Flame Healing

The Violet Flame is an invisible energy (which appears violet to those who have developed their spiritual sight) that heals and purifies our various bodies and the aura system of negative energy. In ancient times, this form of healing was used regularly, but then the method was lost to humanity.

The use of the Violet Flame for transmuting negative energies was re-introduced to the world through Saint Germain, Hierarch of the Aquarian Age. This form of energy when used in accordance with the Laws of alchemy can erase our karmas by purifying our various bodies, if we practice invoking the Violet Flame daily. By transforming negative thoughts and feelings, the violet flame provides a unique way of healing.

The Violet Flame Meditation (Aura Cleanser)

This meditation may not be done when there is an open wound/recent surgery:

  1. Focus on your breathing at the nostrils, being aware of the incoming and outgoing breaths.

  2. Request: 'Saint Germaine, Keeper of the Violet Flame, please send me the Violet Flame to cleanse and purify me and the entire universe.'

  3. Intend and visualize that a violet flame is appearing at the soles of your feet. entering the feet and body. The flame slowly travels upwards to fill you up from the feet to the top of the head and also covers you fully on the outside.

  4. After a few moments, visualize and intend that the flame has expanded into a ball of about three metres diameter (9-10 feet) and that you are floating in the centre of it. Stay with this for a few minutes.

  5. When you feel complete with this, thank Saint Germaine, the Keeper of the Violet Flame and the violet flame for cleansing and healing you and the entire universe.

  6. Request the Violet Flame: 'Please go back to the source as love and light.'

  7. Breathe deeply a few times, coming back to the consciousness of your surroundings. Slightly move your fingers and toes. Open your eyes.

This concludes the Violet Flame Meditation.

You can strengthen the intensity of the meditation above, by using and repeating affirmations or decrees, like the following:

I AM a being of violet fire, I AM the purity God desires. You can repeat this affirmation slowly again and again as you meditate. You can even use this affirmation as a mantra for meditation. Always begin by thanking Saint Gemain and your Higher Self.